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About Resolution Washington

Learn about our new Executive Director, LaDessa Croucher, here.

Resolution Washington is the member association for Dispute Resolution Centers (DRCs) in Washington State. We’re dedicated to bringing conflict resolution services and promoting dialogue in communities across the state by:

  • Sharing ideas for improving management and services at our local DRCs

  • Establishing statewide policies, standards and best practices

  • Supporting and advocating for mediation in Washington



Communities thrive by transforming conflict into opportunity.




  • Build and maintain statewide relationships;

  • Provide mutual support and assistance;

  • Optimize use of resources to provide support and promote community mediation; and

  • Advocate for the welfare of community mediation.



We support and promote the values of:

  • Collaborative and effective processes for conflict resolution;

  • Education and training for conflict resolution;

  • Community services and volunteerism;

  • Empowering parties to reach their own resolution;

  • Inclusiveness of the diversity in the community;

  • High standards of practice;

  • Use of consensus and collaboration for problem-solving; and

  • Affordable, accessible services.

What is a DRC?

For over 30 years, Resolution Washington DRCs have provided low-cost and effective conflict resolution services including mediation, facilitation, consultation, workplace conflict resolution and training to individuals and organizations.

Established under the Washington State Court Improvement Act of 1984 (RCW 7.75), there are currently 21 DRCs and together they serve the entire state.


Resolution Washington DRCs:

  • Promote mediation as an alternative to the court system

  • Resolve disputes in their local communities

  • Encourage community participation and volunteerism in local programs

  • Educate individuals and organizations about how to prevent conflict and resolve disputes peacefully

  • Develop, communicate and teach mediation best practices

DRC programs

Each DRC offers programs tailored to meet their community’s specific needs. All local DRCs provide a wide range of services for individuals and organizations. A DRC can help you with:

Check your local DRC’s website to see what specific services are offered for your community.

DRC training opportunities

DRCs train and certify volunteers who serve as community mediators. The vast majority of DRC-based mediation services is provided by our talented and dedicated volunteers.

Local DRCs offer customized training and consultation for individuals or businesses and organizations on effective communication, facilitation, conflict resolution and conflict management.

Creating change in our community

Advances in schools

Resolution Washington successfully advocated for an amendment to RCW 28A.300.280, so that certified mediators are now permitted to teach mediation in our schools.

We’re currently exploring initiatives promoting peaceful conflict resolution and productive dialogue in schools. Our goal is to establish statewide models and standards around conflict resolution and restorative practices that can be used by school districts or individual schools. All DRCs are trained in the restorative practices framework developed by the International Institute for Restorative Practices. Eight DRCs currently offer restorative practices in their communities through partnerships with local juvenile justice systems and schools.

We’re also exploring how mediation might be used to address student loan repayment issues.

Foreclosure mediation

We’ve worked closely with the Department of Commerce, lender and borrower representatives and mediators to develop consistent practices and statewide standards for foreclosure mediations. In 2015, we collaborated with the Department of Commerce to retrain over 100 Foreclosure Fairness Act mediators.

DRCs facilitate more than 50 percent of the Foreclosure Fairness Act mediations in Washington every year—that’s over 3,672 mediations, to date.

Support for state agencies

Resolution Washington delivers workplace mediation and facilitation and is available to work with agencies around meeting public facilitation, dispute resolution system design and conflict resolution needs.

ResWA Directors and Staff - At a  Retreat in 2024

Resolution Washington DRC Executive Directors and Staff

Front row, left to right:  Steven Morrison, Astrid Aveledo, Racie McKee, Colleen Regalbuto, Jody Suhrbier Leff (former director), Laura Hight, LaDessa Croucher (ResWA Executive Director)

Middle row, left to right:  Marcia McReynolds, Moonwater, Renee Riopelle (former director), Mary Hancock, Danielle Romo, Paul Shelp, Carolyn Thurston, Jennifer Talbot, Leslie Ann Grove, Maartje Peters (ResWA Staff), Ara Gilbert, Elizabeth Drake, Donnell Austin, Maralise Hood Quan

Back row, left to right:  Rick Schoentrup, Dave Martine, Megan Johnston (ResWA Staff)

Current Directors not pictured: Gayle Cooper and Mary Irwin


Moonwater, Whatcom Dispute Resolution Center

Vice President

Maralise Hood Quan, Center for Dialog & Resolution (Pierce County)

Recording Secretary

Colleen Regalbuto, Six Rivers Dispute Resolution Center

Membership Secretary

Ara Gilbert, Columbia Basin Dispute Resolution Center


Gayle Cooper, Fulcrum Institute Dispute Resolution Clinic

Resolution Washington Staff

LaDessa Croucher

Executive Director








Head shot of Director LaDessa Croucher

Megan Johnston

Association Manager








Maartje Peters

Programs Data Manager

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