Why Mediate? Learn More About the Mediation Process
Why Mediate? Video
Why try mediation before considering court? This video explains the benefits of mediation and how it may be an appropriate alternative for your situation. Learn more about conflict resolution services.
What Can a Mediator Do for You? Video
Learn the role of mediators and how they help people successfully navigate conflict. How does mediation work?
Preparing for Resolution in Mediation Video
Follow these steps to get the most out of your mediation.
What Does Dispute Resolution Feel Like? Video
Know what to expect when considering dispute resolution services such as coaching, conciliation, facilitation, and mediation.
Are you interested in becoming a mediator?
Dispute Resolution Centers across Washington need volunteers!​ Find out more about joining our community of volunteers, working together to reduce conflict.
Why Become A Mediator? Video
Volunteer mediators are people who enjoy doing extraordinary work in their communities, with a variety of educational and professional backgrounds. Learn about becoming a mediator.